Prussian Hussar - Taking Shape

The Hussar now has his sword and sabretache attached, just leaving the pistol to be painted. I am not too happy with the angle of the pistol as it looks as though the hussar is aiming towards the ground not far away. So that will need taking off and refixing, not a difficult job because it has not been painted.
As I was preparing to upload the hussar I realised it might be nice to leave one of the photos uncropped, so you can see my paint pots, brushes and general rubbish !
The room can get very crowded as not only do we have all my military modelling 'junk' but we also have my wife's 'artists' junk too! When both of us are working every horizontal surface is covered in clutter.
And here is a question for fellow modellers or artists. "Why is it, if you have 4 large jars full of water on the table, plus one cup of coffee, it is ALWAYS the coffee that you dip your brush into ?"
Very interesting to see your modelling desktop. It gives a better idea of the scale of your models.
How many figures do you paint a month? Do you sell them? They are fantastic!
Graciela, thanks for your comments, it's great to have someone give feedback and to ask questions.
At the moment I manage to paint no more than 1 a month as it is a hobby and I do not spend all my spare time on it. Each figure is about 100 hours work in total.
No, I have not sold them because I have not advertised them. However I am thinking about doing so as I have had a number of comments about their quality and most people who have seen them 'in the flesh' have asked if they were for sale.
I like a challenge and it would be interesting to actually do a commission for someone!!
Glad you liked them, and it is nice knowing that they have given someone pleasure to see them.
Please come by again :-)
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