Prussian Hussar - Trousers etc

The jacket was easy to paint and, much to my surprise, the lace on the front was far easier than that of the dolman in the previous post.
His riding boots are black with silver spurs. I suspect that I will dirty these with a little brown to simulate mud and a little bit of grey as he will be standing in stone when finally finished.

Note the outstretched arm - no, I have not missed a bit just inside the hussar's sleeve. That is bare metal so that when his hand (holding a pistol) is glued on the end of the arm it will be a secure joint and hold well. If you glue straight onto paint sometimes the hand falls off later taking a patch of dried paint with it.
The hussar's trousers are plain white. To make then more interesting I have 'dirtied' the seat from, presumably, where he was sitting in his saddle. The crests and troughs of the creases will need highlights to emphasise the shadows.
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