The Next Model - III

The partially built model of the Dragoon has now been given a thin and uneven undercoat in grey primer.
Masking tape has been removed and now the whole is ready for painting.
Note the uneven finish, this is to help give the thin washes that will give the coat colour some shade variation - to make it seem 'real' and not one constant shade all over as is the case with toy soldiers.
This can be seen to effect on the curved fold on the left of the figure.
The Dragoon figure is not yet glued to the base - I have just put it here to hold it steady for the picture.
Here is a view of the front.

Now, there may well be a slight delay in starting the painting - and a slight delay before the next series of posts.
In two weeks time I am getting married so life is getting a little hectic now and, apparently, there are more important things to do than paint models ;-)
But please come back regularly, I will be posting as soon as I can.
I like the step by step approach you're taking here. It's allot of extra work but the end result is nice for your readers.
Congrats on the marriage! Best of luck and good wishes to you both.
P.S.- There a few things more important than your toys, although... I guess a wife would be one of those. :P
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